
理工学子说 | Derico Pratama: 双重文化,独特体验。


本期,我们采访到了理工学院2018级的国际生Derico Pratama。他来自来自印度尼西亚,现在是理工学院电子信息工程专业的一名大二学生。除了国际生这一身份,他同时也是一名印度尼西亚华裔——他的曾祖父母来自中国。











来到中国求学后, 他更加发现了身处两种文化之间的有趣之处:以美食为例,印尼嗜辣而粤菜清淡;他还发现即使是吃辣,两地的辣也不同,中国多用麻辣而印尼则不用麻辣。不过,Derico表示,即使两地美食口味不同,他也能都能品尝其中的美味。这种兼而有之的态度,也帮助他更好地适应了不同的环境吧。







English Version

Derico Pratama, from Indonesia, is currently a sophomore majoring in Electronic Information Engineering (EIE).  

As an Indonesian of Chinese ethnicity, Derico gets a very unique experience: he knows more about China compared with other international fellows because of the culture of his family roots; at the same time, he has been exposed to Indonesian cultures from different regions as well since his Indonesian friends are from different parts of the country.

As an international student, he quickly adapted himself to the campus life in CUHK-Shenzhen.

One year ago, as a freshman, he received help from the university even before he had arrived the campus: after landing in Hong Kong with others, they were picked up by the voluntary team arranged by the university. The diversity activities held by schools and colleges enabled him to make more friends from both Indonesia and China. Apart from that, not only did he have an Indonesian friend with the same time schedule but also made a lot of Chinese friends. They often help each other and study together, making their lives more colorful. In this friendly atmosphere, studying in a foreign country does not seem difficult to Derico.

In addition to his extra-curricular life, Derico is also diligent in his study. He often works with his partners, encouraging each other and making progress together. With the company of friends, Derico enjoys his life here.

As an Indonesian of Chinese ethnicity, he knows something about the cultures in both places, and he is keen on this topic. For example, in his hometown, he sometimes speaks the Minnan dialect of China (Hokkien), while people in some other regions of Indonesia don’t speak the language or even Chinese at all. He also talked about the cuisines of the two places: while food in his hometown is spicy, Cantonese food is light. Also, spicy food in China is usually spicy and hot, whereas in Indonesia they seldom use spicy and hot ingredients together. Nevertheless, he indicated that he liked the food of both places regardless of the difference.

Derico also has some suggestions to the international freshmen:

"For international students, although some time on campus like the midterm weeks are going to be hard, try to make the most of your time. Not only for studying but also for relaxing as well. You need to have some leisure time, because studying all day long will just make your mood bad, and it will be ineffective. Once you’d completed all your things in the university, you would do things you like during weekend. Plus, I think it applies for your whole year of study.

My suggestion is that you should schedule your time properly so that you don’t need to think about school stuffs during weekend and try to find leisure time. For me, since I like photography, I would like to travel around Shenzhen, take some pictures, enjoying the leisure hours as well as what the life offers to me."

(Swipe to read the full English Version)


系列报道由SSE Media Centre出品


· END ·


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